Meaning of Nightingale in dreams
The nightingale in dreams is almost always a harbinger of joy and happiness.
The nightingale in dreams is almost always a harbinger of joy and happiness.
This is the dream of lovers, especially ideal ones.
A dream that appears at times of great love and euphoria.
Mainly in children's affairs.
The dove in your dreams symbolizes the eternal love. The dove that is flying towards you is Eros coming to you.
The one that you catch ,will be your soul-mate for life.
The eagle you dreamed of flying, surrounded by its eaglets, is the powerful person, who will help you to succeed.
You dreamed of a beautiful peacock.
Be very careful because you will soon find yourself entangled in a love affair with a very beautiful person.
A dream symbol of intense happiness, especially if you dream ducks in a garden or swimming at a lake. In this case fate will favour you scandalously!